Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile släpps först nästa år

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Rykten har florerat länge nu, kring mobilversionen av Warzone och så sent som förra månaden så såg det till och med ut som om att vi skulle få uppleva Call of Duty på Android och iOS redan i år men så verkar det inte längre bli. Det var i samband med Activision Blizzards kvartalsrapport som tre Call of Duty-titlar nämndes som potentiella släpp under 2022. Modern Warfare II, Warzone 2 och Warzone Mobile. Nu ser det som sagt ut som att tre blir två. Enligt Activisions Vice President of Mobile, Chris Plummer så är det nästa år som gäller. Uttalandet kommer i samband med Call of Duty-livestreamen som just nu pågår. Så här sade han till Gamespot innan sändningen startade:

"We'll be out next year. We haven't released a fixed release date, so more on that over time. But right now we're revealing the gameplay for the first time. People have hands on it and are checking it out during the live stream event. And then over time we'll see more of the experience and next year we'll be out there for everybody."

Han säger också att det inte kommer att handla om en portning utan skall ses som en helt ny och unik upplevelse. Det kommer dock att dela viss teknologi och man skall känna igen sig som Call of Duty-spelare men det är inte tal om en port och strategin är också mobile first:

"No, it is not a port. We have shared technology. We have a lot of advantages, but we're making a mobile-first experience. Our priority is to make the best possible experience for mobile players, regardless of which platform you typically play on. There are plenty of players that mobile is their first and primary platform. There are other folks who are going to come over because they play Warzone on another platform and might want to get an extra match in and we want to make sure that the game works for everybody.

But at the end of the day, it's on mobile. And mobile is our priority. That means that controls, the tuning, the way things feel--all of that has to feel natural and native to the device. This is why, for example, we are supporting synchronous cross-play between iOS and Android devices exclusively, and we're avoiding that imbalance that would come with cross-play between mobile and PC or mobile and console. We want to have a level playing field so that it's the best possible experience for all platforms without compromising any of the tuning or the control experience or any platform."

Hela intervjun med Gamespot finns här!

Live-eventet, som alltså pågår nu hittar du här!

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

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