
Ethan Hawke försvarar Scorsese om Marvel-kommentarer

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Skådespelaren Ethan Hawke', som är aktuell med rysaren The Black Phone och med dokumentären The Last Movie Stars på HBO Max, är mest känd för sina lågmälda dramafilmer, där Marvel-showen Moon Knight markerar hans andra serietidningsprojekt efter Valorian and the City of Thousand Planets. I en intervju passade han dessutom på att försvara kontroversiella Marvel-uttalanden från exempelvis Scorsese och Coppola och även om Hawke tidigare har försvarat denna typ av film uppskattar han också att gamla veteraner påminner filmvärlden om att superhjälterullar minsann inte är Bergman-filmer:

If people like Scorsese and Coppola don't come out to tell their truth about how there are more important things than making money, who's going to?

It's easy for them, but it needs to be somebody in the community saying, "Hey, everybody, this is not 'Fanny and Alexander.'" If you keep reviewing these movies that are basically made for 14-year-olds like they're "Fanny and Alexander" or "Winter Light," then who the hell's going to get to make "Winter Light"? I appreciate the elder statesmen of the community reminding people not to set the bar too low. I know it makes some people think they're stuck up, but they're not stuck up.

Hawke kommenterade också att Marvel är mer "skådisvänliga" än vad de är regissörfokuserade:

That group of people is extremely actor-friendly. They might not be director-friendly, and that could be what Scorsese and Coppola are talking about. But they love actors. I think Kevin Feige had a great thing happen with Robert Downey Jr. and he understood that Downey's passion was a large part of the success. When actors are excited by a part, audiences get excited about watching them. Feige understood the algorithm there, so they're extremely respectful toward the process. The best thing about "Moon Knight" for me was Oscar's performance. It's a gonzo thing that happens to have a giant budget — a pretty out-there performance.

Vad säger du om den pågående Marvel-debatten?

Ethan Hawke försvarar Scorsese om Marvel-kommentarer
Hawke spelade sektledaren Arthur Harrow i Disney Plus-exklusiva Moon Knight.

Tack Indiewire

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