
Disney trodde att Jack Sparrow var gay och berusad

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Alla vet vi hur ikonisk han är, Johnny Depps dunderpirat Captain Jack Sparrow och under den minst sagt grisiga rättegången mot exfrugan Amber Heard har det framkommit lite ny information rörande Depps tolkning av det ickebefintliga manus som man hade att jobba med i produktionen av den första filmen. Som vi vetat i åratal var Disney och producenten Jerry Bruckheimer inte det minsta imponerad av Johnnys syn på karaktären omen nu har Depp berättat lite mer om hur Disneys höjdare förargades av hans porträtt och ville att han skulle sluta tramsa, och spela den där barbröstat snygga, klassiskt machoaktige piraten som de initialt ville ha.

"It had all the hallmarks of a Disney film, that is to say, a predictable three-act structure, and the character of Captain Jack was more of a swashbuckler type that would swing in shirtless and be the hero. I had quite different ideas about the character, so I incorporated my notes into the character, and brought that character to life, much to the chagrin of Disney initially.

I got a call from the upper echelon at Disney who were courageous enough to ask me, 'What the fuck are you doing?' And again, the questions came up, 'Is it drunk? Is it gay?' All I could say was, cause they set me up with a great line, I said, 'Well don't you know all my characters are gay?' I really expected to be fired, but I wasn't for some reason. They were actually gonna put subtitles under my character, they couldn't understand Captain Jack." Länk

Hahaha... Roligt. Vad anser du om Depps piratkung?

Disney trodde att Jack Sparrow var gay och berusad
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