
Bioshocks "splicers"-fiender baserades på Alcatraz fångar

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Under en omgång av Reddit AMA med Bill Gardner, director för skräckspelet Perception, fick han även en fråga om var han fick inspirationen till Bioshock (för vilket han var level designer) från:

"We had a team of hugely talented folks, so we drew from all over. Ken was obviously the driving force behind most of the inspiration, but he was one of the most open CDs I've ever met. He always liked to be challenged and introduced to new ideas. I think one of the keys though was that the series drew from so many different wells. There's the Cohen brother films, art deco, etc. We were all over the map and I think it showed."

När det kommer till fienderna Splicers så hade Gardner ett mer konkret exempel att ge:

<i>"It was always amazing to come into work and have people sharing new references. I distinctly remember JP, one of our designers coming in one day with some photos from Alcatraz. They were inmate booking photos of men who had clearly had a rough go making their way to prison. These helped inspire some of the feeling that went into creating the splicers for example."

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